I had finally reached some warmer weather when hitting the Panhandle of Texas. There ain't shit up in that part of Texas either. I camped at Caprock State Park that night. It was hard for me to believe that I was back under the stars of Texas. I set up camp and was enjoying a cold beer when the wind picked up and started blowin like hell. I noticed to the wind was filled with dirt. A dust storm, Great, and I was about to ride it out in a tent. Sounds like fun doesn't it. Mother Texas welcoming me back with kisses of dust!!!
Dust was everywhere in the tent. I ran and got a tarp out of the jeep and tried to wrap it around my shelter to keep the dust out. I also grabbed two more beer to wash the dust out of my mouth. I climbed back into the tent, and found it was hopeless, some how dust was still getting in. I ended up having to drink two more beer just to keep from chocking to death. It was horrible!!!
That morning I woke up in a pile of beer cans and there was red dust everywhere. Well, everywhere but my lips and mouth, good thing I drank all that beer, it helped everything but my head. Hey, "everything" was covered in a blanket of red dirt, I looked at myself in the side view mirror of the jeep and my face was even red. I looked like an Apache warrior. Cool!!!
I loaded up and headed out. Sometime last night while keepin all that dust out of my mouth I thought it would be a good idea to cut across Oklahoma. Hadn't seen that much of the state, so off I went. And there's not much there to see I found out. Maybe if you like tractors and farming you would like it here. I hauled ass all away across to the South East corner of the state to a place called Beavers Bend. It's a favorite hideout of mine, I do a lot of canoeing and camping there, I also caught my first trout there. Yes, Oklahoma has trout fishing, don't tell anybody, it's a secret!!!
After makin camp, I built a small fire and decided to have a Moose Drool (It's a beer that's brewed in Missoula, MT). I brought a case of bottles back with me, I love'em and they love me. Thanks Charlie for the beer, keep up the good work at the brewery. Millions of us are depending on you, and I'll be back soon to replenish... I'd duct taped the case of beer closed and wrote on the top "Don't Open Till Texas". I figured Hell, I'm close enough, I'm pretty much in my back yard. Plus I'd snuck one out in Flagstaff. I thought I was going to die in that blizzard so I enjoyed a Moose Drool just in case!!!
That night sitting there by the fire my mind raced with all kinds of thoughts and ideas. What now??? That was the one that keep popping up the most. I've finally come full circle on my trip. I'd been on the road for seven weeks and traveled over 6000 miles, and only about 200 of those were Interstate miles. I came across the country on two lanes and back roads, I was on the slow train back to Texas. I'm glad I could share it with everyone though my photography, and this Blog I've come to love. Even thought I was Han Solo on the trip with the Blog and Facebook I still had a army of good friends with me. I just hate that y'all only got to see and hear a fraction of what all I seen and experienced.
I would like to thank everyone for reading and thanks for all the support that was handed out. It helped boost me up when I needed it.
Thanks Everyone and Cheers!!!
Oh, By the way, this isn't over yet. There's still more to come.